Friday, April 2, 2010

Love Plate

My roommates' home teacher invited us to watch a movie. We couldn't make it so me wrote him a love plate explaining why we wouldn't be able to make it! Our plate wasn't big enough so we attached some toilet paper to continue the note! It was full of inside jokes so I am sure that all of his roommates just thought we were crazy! He returned the plate with cookies and a note written on toilet paper!

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Choir Concert

Joie Walker (Women's Glee), Me, Rachel Jones (University Choir), Olivia Bush (University Choir), Nicole Kunzler
Last night Nicole and I went to listen to our roommates at their concert. It was so good! They agreed to take a picture with us and they signed our programs. Someday they will probably be famous!

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These are a few of my least favorite things!!!

Over the last few days I have learned to hate showering, dressing, typing, doing my hair and make-up! I cut my finger while helping my dad on our farm. Thirteen stitches and a finger brace later, I have had to make some adjustments! This is my sweet finger brace!

This is on Wendesday! It had been 5 days since my accident!

This was taken today! It has been one week! It isn't as painful but it is still super bruised! It is getting better though! I just hope that it is better by Tonga!
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Shelley (Samari Searle), Olivia Bush (The White Ninja), Nicole Kunzler (Nicoli), and Joie Walker (JoWaaaana)
After delivering our love plate, we felt pretty sneaky and decided to try out our ninja skills! Some of us look better than others! I don't even know what I am looking at!

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Beauty Parlor

Stephanie is pretty much an experienced beautician and she cut Rachel's hair one night. We didn't get any before pictures but we got some good after pictures. Both Rachel and Stephanie were really pleased with the outcome! We were all impressed by Stephanie's skills!!!

Life's Simple Pleasures

You might not think this is cool, but my roommate Rachel was filling the blue picher with water and wasn't paying attention. When the picher filled up it started filling the big pink cup. We then strategically placed the other two cups in the sink to make our own water fountain! We are so cool!
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While we were eating before the Brian Regan show, Ainsley fell asleep sitting up! It was just so cute. Let's be honest, she really didn't enjoy dinner and she was much happier once she fell sleep!
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I went down to Provo to watch Ainsley while Wendy and Scott went to the Brian Regan show. I got to experience Ainsley's first time on temple square! She really enjoyed it, especially when we were inside and she didn't have to be covered up! Wendy took me to the second Brian Regan showing which was really fun. I didn't take any pictures of it though! Thanks for the fun weekend Wendy and Scott!!!
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#14's Got Talent

My roommates and I did a little skit for our ward talent show. We call it..."It's a Hard Knock Life: College Edition"! It wasn't our best, but we had fun doing it! I hope you enjoy!